The U.S. Department of Health and Human Services' Compassion Capital Fund released in October the first federal funds specifically targeted to assist faith-based and community organizations. Under the Compassion Capital program, more than $24.7 million was made available to 21 organizations to provide technical assistance and training to grassroots social service providers.
"We believe a real impact can be made when people and groups of faith, businesses, civic leadership, and government join hands to bring new life to our most vulnerable children, families, and communities," said Tom Jones, senior director of World Vision's U.S. programs, which shared a grant with partner organization Nueva Esperanza. The grantees include a number of small regional nonprofits and four major universities. Operation Blessing International, founded by Pat Robertson, also received $500,000 despite Robertson earlier having warned against groups getting addicted to federal funds. "It'll be like a narcotic," he said, "and then they can't get off of it."
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