WHILE I AGREE with Peter Ackerman and Jack DuVall ("With Weapons of the Will," September-October 2002) that nonviolent action by Iraqis would be the best approach, I'm surprised the authors don't mention anything about the real motives of the Bush administration, namely, clearing the way for the U.S. transnational corporations to control access to the oil, gas, and water reserves in the region of the Caspian Sea.
What's more, I believe it is we who ought to take nonviolent action against the Bush administration as witness to its self-aggrandizing brutality committed against the world's poorest people. When was the last time you saw the U.S. "install" a democratic regime? Never. The United States' practice has been removal of popularly elected regimes in order to "install" dictators who will function as compliant clients who carry out our will, e.g., the privatization of resources and institutions for the financial gain of corporatists.
Thomas Lawrence
Staten Island, New York
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