Last fall Congress passed a new immigration law that eliminated many options for refugees seeking asylum in the United States. It has raised the possibility of extensive deportations among the 200,000 Salvadorans and Guatemalans who came here during the 1980s to escape civil wars in which U.S. policy, money, and arms played a significant role (see "Yearning to Breathe Free," by Kari Jo Verhulst, page 12).
El Rescate, a Los Angeles group, is generating letters to the White House imploring President Clinton to give these displaced people a fair opportunity to obtain asylum. El Rescate also provides legal, financial, language, food, and shelter services to Central Americans in the Los Angeles area. To write a letter or offer other support, write them at 1340 S. Bonnie Brae, Los Angeles, CA 90006; or call (213) 387-3284.
Simplicity as Compassion is the name of a new eight-week curriculum offered by Earth Ministry in Seattle. This Christian environmental organization engages individuals and congregations to "deepen our relationship with creation, and with the God of Creation." The curriculum reflects on voluntary simplicity from a Christian perspective, examining our society’s false idols such as materialism and status. Copies are $12 and can be ordered spiral-bound for each individual, or unbound as a master copy to photocopy for your group. Order from Earth Ministry, 1305 NE 47th St., Seattle, WA 98105; or call (206) 632-2426.
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