I must protest the commentary in the current issue of your magazine, "Outrage Over the Abortion Veto," by Julie Polter.
It never mentions the reasons most late-term abortions are performed: either to save the life or health of the mother. Banning this type of procedure completely ties the hands of doctors in a potential emergency situation when sound medical judgment is needed. We really don't need the government telling the medical profession not to save the life or health of a woman in a dire situation. Polter, unfortunately, ascribes to the alarmist histrionics of politicians like Pat Buchanan and his allies on the Christian (Far) Right.
I could accept such an editorial from a publication like yours were it balanced with an equally forceful opposing view. It is not, and therefore appears to represent the official position of the magazine.
David S. Pultz
New York, New York, via Internet

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