IT WAS A great disappointment that your first article to address the "shatter the silence" movement ("Beyond Clan Politics: A Consistent Stand Against Persecution," by Ron Dart, January-February 1998) would rebuke the "clan politics" of others, rather than examine your own. This would be excusable, were it not for your claim to be leading the way on the high road that transcends the old distinctions between Right and Left. Yet you seem completely unaware that the statements made by Dart regarding the blind spots of conservative Christians apply just as well, if not more so, to your own case of tunnel vision.
It seems the only time Sojourners gives much attention to the suffering of Christians is when they have been involved in political or social issues that are on your own approved list. Given this background, your publishing this commentary comes across as an affirmation of your own "clan politics," and a justification for your own silence.
Dart makes an excellent point: "We must allow all the martyrs to speak, not just the ones who pander to our ideological agendas." To be truly prophetic, Jim Wallis and Sojourners need to demonstrate their own commitment to following this principle.
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