AUDIO: Watershed Discipleship Roundtable Discussion | Sojourners

AUDIO: Watershed Discipleship Roundtable Discussion

 "Each of us lives in a watershed, no matter how ignorant we may be about it," Ched Myers writes in "A Watershed Moment" in the May 2014 issue of Sojourners. Myers calls people of faith to recognize their inherent connections to their watershed and, in turn, become a disciple in and of that watershed.

In November 2013, a group of Christian pastors, activists, and environmentalists met at the Watershed Discipleship Roundtable in Baltimore, Md., to discuss ecological stewardship and bioregionalism. Listen to this audio from the gathering to hear Myers, along with Sara Stratton, Chris Grataski, and Sasha Adkins, describe their relationships with their watersheds.

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