Slow Walk It
slow walk it
that's what I do when
I ain't sick and I can't
talk my way out
and my Ma keeps shoutin
"you gonna be late, hear?"
and I says: "this kid's
the fastest thing in blue."
But around that corner
I'm slower than creep
slow as a lady bug
don't you know
don't you know
I gotta go, but I don't
gotta get there
praise the Lord
praise the Lord
(praise Him I say 'cause I'm)
(troublesome made)
Cheryl K. Hellner was a member of the Writers' Group of the Church of the Saviour in Washington, D. C. when this poem appeared. These two poems were taken from a collection called "The Voices of Henry Street" that she wrote out of her experiences working with Head Start children in Alexandria, Virginia.
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