Racism continues to plague our nation. From disparities in the criminal justice system to attacks on voting rights, many of us have sat by as our brothers and sisters are treated unequally. It doesn’t have to be this way.
As “Peace Pastor” Marty Troyer describes in “Subverting the Myth” (Sojourners, December 2013), with a lot of hard work and honest dialogue, racial reconciliation is possible.
People of faith are leading the new movement for racial justice. To become an agent of reconciliation, sign the One Church, One Body pledge and check out the resources below.
- By Accident of Birth, by Jim Wallis
- Can We Talk? White Privilege Today, by Andrea Ayvazian and Beverly Daniel Tatum
- In the Middle: The Challenge of Racial Reconciliation, by Catherine Meeks
- Ooh! Is That Racism on Your Shoe?, by Chris Rice
- Racism: America’s Original Sin, by Jim Wallis
- To Move Beyond Denial, by Yvonne V. Delk
- Whose America is It?, by Anthony A. Parker
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