"Lies, lies, lies ...," Newsmaker said.
Reporter scribbled
presses rolled
headlines screamed.
"But what about Truth?"
I asked.
"Truth is not our business," Editor replied.
Objectivity's the aim
information's the game
let the Reader decide
"Dressed-up lies," he said.
"Disguised distortions," she said.
You figure it out, Reader.
And so
they that refuse to see
them that cannot see
through the Morning Paper.
Cloaked in darkness
strangled by confusion
gasping for answers as if
for air
in fits of comfortable routine
I awoke
"What about Truth?!"
I cannot play your game
of unbiased duplicity
any more.
Take my pen
my pad
my press pass
And give me Truth.
Vicki Kemper was news editor of Sojourners magazine when this article appeared.
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