Tony: The matter of homosexual rights is an issue that Christians cannot avoid. Not only has it been brought to the fore in the political arena, it is tearing apart every major denomination. Mark Noll of Wheaton College contends that evangelicalism has never defined itself in terms of theology, but always in terms of politics. Back in Civil War days, to be an evangelical was to be opposed to slavery. Today the two issues that define a person as an evangelical or not are probably homosexual rights and abortion.
I believe that the Bible does not allow for same-gender sexual intercourse or marriage. Peggy believes that within the framework of evangelical Christianity, monogamous gay marriages are permissible. Each of us is an evangelical with a high view of scripture. We believe in the doctrines outlined in the Apostles Creed, and know that to be a Christian is to have a personal relationship with Jesus Christ.
Peggy and I choose to publicly express our differences on the issue of homosexuality because we have a message that is more important than anything we say in words: We know it is possible for people who love each other to differ intensely over this crucial issue and not separate.
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