Funny Business | Sojourners

Funny Business

We came. We saw. Then everybody went home.

The 11th Annual Sometime-After-Groundhog-Day Sojourners Talent Show was performed this past spring in our neighborhood center building, which made for a cozy and crowded setting reminiscent of a dinner theater; except there were no tables, or food, or actors, or a play. Come to think of it, it really wasn't much like a dinner theater at all. It had never been like a dinner theater before, so why should it be now?

Some people questioned whether we should even mention this year's show in "H'rumphs," but it's my decision since Joyce Hollyday left me in charge while she was away. No one really knows what to expect from our talent shows, but we certainly weren't disappointed this year. Here are some highlights of this year's event:

- Sojourners peace ministry staffperson Polly Duncan Collum and Ruth "Not-Her-Real-Arms" Cotton, peace ministry intern, performed "Getting Ready for a Big Date." You know the one; it's the skit where a person hides behind another person and puts makeup on. You see, the one behind puts her hands through the other person's arms and puts make-up on her face; but it's not really her face. It's the other person's face, the one without the arms (well, she has arms, you just can't see them). And, like, it gets all over her ...

- Judy Diers and Dan Worthen, both Sojourners interns, and Michael Verchot, peace ministry staff person, played private detectives Shirley, Goodness, and Murphy, who would doggedly follow you all the days of your life.

- In a "commercial" break, interns Mary Beth Haas and LeAnne Moss proved that M&Ms really do melt in your mouth as Mary Beth let chocolate syrup drip out of her mouth onto the floor. A lot of syrup. (Not pictured).

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