Thank you so much for your thoughtful article about the essential role women play in fighting poverty and hunger ("Teach a Woman to Fish...," by Elizabeth Palmberg, June 2005). Transforming the lives of women is indeed key to eradicating poverty and building a more just and peaceful world.
At Lutheran World Relief, we approach all of our overseas relief and development work with an eye toward gender equity and a keen sense of womens power and potential. By focusing much of our energies on women, we have seen time and again that empowered women become catalysts for change within their families and communities, changing oppressive traditions and cultural norms that deprive people of the dignity to which we are all entitled, and helping men to understand and embrace the contributions that women can make.
Women are making a difference in communities all over the world. Working to promote the status and well-being of women is not only a moral imperative - its a wise investment of our resources for reducing poverty and building healthy families and communities.
Kathryn Wolford
President, Lutheran World Relief
Baltimore, Maryland
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