Some say chaos brings creativity. But after recent renovations and office shuffling in our rental building, most here at Sojourners would say that chaos mainly serves to bring plaster dust into our coffee maker. Oh, and it does deepen our appreciation for regular days, when our receptionist's desk isn't standing on end in a side office, waiting for the new carpet to be installed. We almost were settled into a normal routine when our art director, Ed Spivey, wandered into the filming of a new Will Smith movie while on a lunchtime errand. It took some time to calm him down enough to have our cover planning conversation. Not that we weren't thrilled to hear (over and over) about the really cool helicopter stunts he saw ("From this close!"). But despite it all, we did produce a March-April issue (else you wouldn't be reading this). We're especially proud to include several excerpts of articles that will appear in our forthcoming resource, Crossing the Racial Divide: America's Struggle for Justice and Reconciliation, available later this spring. We're also pleased to announce that Vincent Harding, a longtime friend and eminent civil rights historian, will explore the spirituality of Howard Thurman and Martin Luther King Jr. in Sojourners' first annual Spirituality Lecture. Please join us March 10, 7 p.m., at Washington, D.C.'s Howard University for an evening of music, renewal, and inspiration.
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