I AM WRITING to thank you for Duane Shanks article, "Grounded in the Book," in the January-February 1998 issue ("CultureWatch"), and to suggest that Rabbi Joseph Teluskins book, Biblical Literacy, is helpful reading for those walking on this path.
When my own reflection and reading led me to want to know more about the religious environment and heritage that influenced Jesus, I was fortunate enough to be able to attend an adult summer course at Cornell University, "Christianity and Judaism: Rethinking the Connections." The course reading and lectures led to the opportunity for exciting dialogue with the other students (about 50-50 Christian and Jewish) during and around the edges of the actual course time. However, upon return to my own community and congregation, I have not been able to find others interested in the subject and so I have continued to study and think by myself.
Reading this article was a hallelujah-in-the-heart experience for me, and I want to express my gratitude for the companionship it offers as well as for the practical encouragement of a reading list that gives me more to explore. Thank you, thank you.
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