What if they gave a protest and nobody came? The organizer of a new Web site wants to make sure that doesnt happen, and so has launched Protest.Net (www. protest.net), a compendium of activities almost guaranteed to have something up your particular alley.
Events on the Web site, which "doesnt necessarily support any of the events posted on its calendars," are organized by regions of the world and sections of the country. The site is constantly updated by activists around the world, with a wide variety of activities listed. At press time, for example, the site included notices about a Eureka, California march to end violence against environmental activists, a protest against the production of land mines and nuclear weapons components at Alliant Tech Systems in Minnesota, and a Washington, D.C. conference on abuses by the World Bank and IMF, sponsored by the 50 Years is Enough networkùand hundreds more. The extensive listing is almost enough by itself to disprove the myth that activism is dead in the 90s.
The sites creator, Evan Henshaw-Plath, a computer programmer in Amherst, Massachusetts, told Sojourners that Protest.Net is just the next step in using the Internet for activism. "Most people dont have the time to keep up to date on whats going on," Henshaw-Plath said. "Protest.Net lets people quickly find out what other activists are doing."
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