In this age of new nuclear threats, how much do you know? End of Existence, a powerful Web project of the Nuclear Age Peace Foundation, provides basic nuclear weapons history, current facts, and personal accounts from those who survived the bombing of Hiroshima.
Do you enjoy world travel and new cultures? Then it is time to take a look at ethical tourism through the eyes of those most affected by ordering a subscription to Contours magazine ($15/year), published by the Ecumenical Coalition on Third World Tourism.
In response to the privatizing of public service, United for a Fair Economy and the Institute for Policy Studies produced Our Communities Are Not For Sale: Local-Global Links in the Fight Against Privatization. This 22-page pamphlet offers resources for a movement against corporate-led globalization. Privatization/OCANFS.pdf
In a 30th anniversary sequel to her revolutionary Diet for a Small Planet, Frances Moore Lappé teams up with her daughter Anna Lappé in Hope's Edge: The Next Diet for a Small Planet. The authors give a fresh look at environmentally healthy lifestyles and provide recipes from around the world to sample along the way.
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