Many of us attend worship communities that struggle to hit the right note between traditional hymn-and-organ music and the praise choruses of a (usually loud and) youthful rock band. Some of us love those old hymns; others couldn't imagine singing anything more boring.
But there is a middle way, reports Sojourners' editorial assistant Steve Thorngate--who, in his pre-Sojourners life, was music director at several churches (and who now calls forth many a note from staff members during our worship gatherings and potlucks). Steve points to a variety of resources that are grounded in tradition yet contemporary and accessible.
Author and pastor Brian McLaren does much the same thing in our cover feature, in which he's proposed alternate images for the 'kingdom' of God. The 'revolution' of God is one suggestion; what might yours be? McLaren's musings go beyond mere semantics--fresh metaphors not only provide new understandings of God, but they can also chase out racism, nationalism, and other isms lurking in our more traditional words.
This month marks the start of Lent, our invitation to reflect and take stock of our lives, to grow in our relationship with God, and to remember our commitment to a deeper way of discipleship. Jesus withdrew into the wilderness for 40 days; your 'wilderness' likely will look different. But whatever form your journey takes, we pray that this Lenten season provides you with fresh words and reverent music, and--above all--draws you ever closer to the one whose Way we follow. The Editors
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