"You have a glowing future." That nice sentiment becomes a little ominous when you think of it in terms of nuclear technology. Nuclear power is being pushed as green, clean, and reliable?but what critical questions about its safety should we be asking? Sojourners editor Jim Rice looks at the arguments made on behalf of using more nuclear power and sets out the reasons why we should continue keeping "our friend the atom" at a safe distance. Longtime anti-nuclear activist Bonnie Urfer elaborates on one reason, the risky way in which nuclear fuel and waste are transported.
On another front, what would happen if all the debts of those unable to pay them were erased? It's a happy possibility Christina Cobourn Herman considers in "A Sabbath from Suffering," her article on the Jubilee debt forgiveness campaign. There are sure signs of progress, she reports, but work still needs to be done to bring brighter futures for all those living without food, medicine, and shelter around the world.
Finally, while the presidential forum held as part of our Pentecost conference in June was the headline - grabber, the gathering also featured some lesser known - but no less important - leaders for a free world. Two of special note: At the closing service, we honored Rev. Romal Tune for his empowering work with gang members and community organizing, and Gary Haugen, president of the International Justice Mission. IJM rescues victims of exploitation, slavery, and trafficking around the world.
-The Editors
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