The release of Prince Caspian, the second of the C.S. Lewis Chronicles of Narnia movies, has rekindled debate about the intentions of the film’s producer, Walden Media, and its billionaire sugar daddy, Philip Anschutz. Among other things, this discussion shines light on a conservative cultural initiative that is succeeding, even as its political partners face epic defeat.
When we hear “Christian conservatives” and “culture wars,” many are likely to think “feminist-baiting” and “gay-bashing.” But far behind those headlines, some Christian conservatives have also been working on a more positive, constructive program aimed at building institutions that will promote and embody their version of Christian values in the mainstream marketplace. Unlike Republican electoral tactics, this strategy is still working, and working well. And it’s working because it deserves to. It’s not evil, it’s not stupid, and it is in tune with the needs and aspirations of most American families.
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