While reading Jim Wallis’ “Faith Principles for Health-Care Reform” (November 2009), I found this sentence dismaying: “The health-care system should protect the sanctity and dignity of life in accordance with existing law and current rules, and the prohibition on federal funding of abortions should be consistently and diligently applied to any legislation.”
While I don’t personally favor abortion as a solution to crisis pregnancies, I do think that provision is hard on poor women.
However, my real objection is that it speaks of the self-righteous hypocrisy I see so much of among conservative evangelical Christians. People who vote to eliminate abortion rights also vote for the politicians who have given us increased poverty and two wars. And while these same voters insist that none of their tax dollars be used to fund abortions, I have not had similar recourse. I can only avoid having my tax dollars fund the killing of Iraqi citizens, including women and children, both born and unborn, by dropping below the poverty line or breaking the law.
Elizabeth Fisher, Laconia, New Hampshire
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