Sojourners Magazine: September/October 2023
Healing from religious harm: Why compassionate community is part of the journey.
A spiritual trauma therapist on why compassionate community is part of the journey.
The Seneca Nation works to heal the wounds inflicted by a Presbyterian-run residential school.
Author and activist Heather McTeer Toney on why we shouldn’t be surprised by that.
The church should play a leading role in supporting eco-friendly investing.
Religious communities have a role to play — and a responsibility — in the journey of healing.
The violence-tinged reality of sending children to school in America.
Next week, I’ll sit again at the wheel. Perhaps this is already centering me.
"It’s one of the most amazing stories in nonviolence history.”
The witness of the writer of “Awesome God” still challenges white evangelicals.
A meditation on what it means to stand up to institutional abuse without allowing the violence of the church to poison our own spirits.
In the famed feminist art installation, Sophia stands as a cross-cultural symbol of a female God.
The author of “Good Bones” teaches us to change direction, create a new path, and let the light in.
Three culture recommendations from our editors.
Pregnant While Black considers how and why Black mothers in the U.S. are dying.
A poem
September reflections on the Revised Common Lectionary, Cycle A
October reflections on the Revised Common Lectionary, Cycle A
What better way to open more spaces than by telling half of humanity they’re not appreciated?
The Hidden Crisis Facing Our Farmers
Rural America needs child care. A new bill might help.
What's Behind the ‘Peace’ in El Salvador?
Oppression is always more palatable when it is wrapped in the language of faith.