Serve God, Save the Planet
Coffee, cars, chocolate, clothes—small choices we make can add up to lifestyles that are more ethical and sustainable. In Everyday Justice: The Global Impact of Our Daily Choices, Julie Clawson offers biblically based wisdom on living justly in our consumer society, starting with: “Don’t Panic.” InterVarsity Press
Melodic Pop
The 10 tracks on The Fray’s latest CD, The Fray, offer the melodic lines and moodiness fans have come to expect from the Denver-based pop band. “I found God on the corner of First and Amistad,” they sing in “You Found Me.” “Just a little late, you found me.” Epic
Love Beyond Bars
When their daughter, Carolyn, went to prison, her parents, Wesley and Marilyn, also “did time” in a sense. Learning to Sing in a Strange Land: When a Loved One Goes to Prison is Wesley’s beautiful account of how they remained connected—and hopeful—during the years of Carolyn’s sentence. Resource Publications
A Familiar Companion
Grace Notes: Daily Readings with a Fellow Pilgrim, by Philip Yancey, pulls together thoughtful daily reflections from Yancey’s writings over the last 30 years on God, faith, prayer, and the Christian life. Zondervan
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