Resources for Renewal and Change | Sojourners

Resources for Renewal and Change


About the Holy Land is a resource packet for churches and other groups compiled by Christian Peacemaker Teams (CPT). The packet of study and prayer materials about the Israeli-Palestinian conflict includes: fact sheets, a liturgy, studies on Zionism and the Bible, posters, and numerous news items and stories from CPT's January to April 1995 violence reduction project in Israel and the West Bank.

The materials cover several subjects, including treatment of Palestinian prisoners, the origins of terrorism, and the conflict in Hebron, the site of CPT's current Middle East peacemaking project. An annotated bibliography, glossary, and dateline provide background. The packet offers helpful resources for churches to study the complex issues involved in the conflict in the Holy Land. Packets are available from: CPT, P.O. Box 6508, Chicago, IL 60680-65088; (312) 455-1199.


Skipping Stones is a non-profit children's magazine that encourages cooperation, creativity, and a celebration of cultural and ecological richness. It features original art and writing in many different languages, accompanied by English translations. Each issue contains international pen pals, book reviews, news, and a guide for parents and teachers.

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Sojourners Magazine September-October 1995
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