- Food Fight. Approximately 1,600 Palestinians in Israeli prisons went on a hunger strike in mid-August, demanding fair and humane treatment. Within days, they were joined by other prisoners, bringing the number of protesters to 2,264, according to the BBC.
- Fair Speech. Brazilians are turning off their televisions for 30 minutes on Oct. 17 as part of a campaign against degradation in TV programming. Organizers also hope to promote more democratic access to communication media, the publics right to ethical programming, and the defense of a public television system, reported ALC news service.
- Flagged Up. The Greater Taree city council in New South Wales, Australia, voted six to four to begin flying the Aboriginal flag alongside the Australian flag. Both Anglican and Catholic bishops, with "Flags for Unity," a group dedicated to ensuring public offices fly both flags, supported the change.
- God 1, Mammon 0. "We reject the current world economic order of global neo-liberal capitalism," declared the general council of the World Alliance of Reformed Churches at its international meeting in Accra, Ghana, this summer. The members, who represent more than 75 million Christians in 100-plus countries, agreed to adopt a faith-based stance against U.S.-style capitalism.
- Google Green. While Googles IPO made its founders billionaires, federal tax subsidies contributed more than $9 million to their immediate $72 million profit,
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