Greenpeace Unveils CFC-Free Fridge | Sojourners

Greenpeace Unveils CFC-Free Fridge

A prototype of the world's first CFC-free refrigerator was brought from Germany to Australia in late February on the Greenpeace flagship The Rainbow Warrior as part of a campaign to promote non-polluting technology.

"Clean technological solutions, like this fridge, are currently available," Greenpeace Australia's chief executive Lynette Thorstensen said. What is needed is "that the political will is created for these solutions to be acted upon."

The prototype, known as "Greenfreeze," was originally produced by a partnership of Greenpeace Germany and a former East German refrigerator manufacturer. The environmental organization is seeking to encourage its manufacture in Australia.

Jim Rice is editor of Sojourners.

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Sojourners Magazine May 1993
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