In Genesis 12 the word of God lands on a settled villager, transforming him into a wandering nomad. "Go from your familiar surroundings," the Lord tells Abraham. "I will make you a great nation and through you I will bless all the families of the earth." God's plan to redeem creation enters history with the call of a man whose obedience would last eternally.
He was not, however, called as an isolated individual. Abraham was not a solitary knight of faith, but was called to be the father of a great people, a nation, a corporate body. Nor was he called for his own sake but rather that through him all peoples would be blessed. The ancient Israelite call was not tribal or narrowly nationalistic but was universal, for the sake of the blessing of all people.
God's call is a call into peoplehood, and whenever individuals are chosen it is for the sake of the corporate call of God, not their individual blessing. In addition, the people of God are called into being not for their sake but for others. The call into peoplehood is a call into servanthood as well.
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