Sojourners Magazine: June 2023
The Enneagram's potential for building community and creating a more just society.
Personality type indicators might seem self-centered, but they can be powerful tools for doing justice in our communities.
We need our superheroes to save those trapped by the injustice of incarceration.
The prophet Zechariah calls people of faith to ‘speak the truth’ in the face of today's injustices.
The Museum of the Palestinian People in Washington, D.C., is a space for Palestinians to express the truth of their history and people.
Our stories can profoundly influence how we see the world — and make it a more just place.
A recent survey examines the driving forces underpinning this belief system.
“I’m learning not to let my own views keep me from interacting with another human being whose narratives about the world are so different from my own.”
“Trying to strip people's rights is the opposite of love, and the opposite of what Jesus would do.”
Actor Garrett Turner on drawing a clear line between himself and the broken man he portrays.
From Revelation to The Last of Us, our end-time imaginings can show us who we are — and who we could be.
The Eternal Daughter shows us how we can better carry unwelcome burdens.
Beth Moore discusses trauma and suffering with both candor and restraint in her new memoir.
Sounds Like A Cult prompts listeners to question what we fanatically follow.
Three culture recommendations from our editors.
A poem
June reflections on the Revised Common Lectionary, Cycle A
How to keep going and become a glorious serotonin vampire.
Christian Zionism Takes Root in Latin America
The political Zionist movement has little to do with Christianity — and it’s a threat to both democracy and religious freedom.
Why Is the U.S. Giving the Philippines' Military a Blank Check?
Religious leaders argue that increased U.S. funding and military presence stoke human rights abuses and regional instability.