The Church of England is painting the kingdom green. The general synod, the largest gathering of the church in the U.K., met in Februaryone day after the Kyoto Protocol on global climate change went into force - to unveil a new report on ecological justice titled "Sharing Gods Planet: A Christian Vision for a Sustainable Future."
"The Christian reason for regarding ecology as a matter of justice is that Gods self-sharing love is what animates every object and structure and situation in the world," Archbishop of Canterbury Rowan Williams writes in the foreword. "We are not consumers of what God has made; we are in communion with it."
The report calls for churches to conduct an environmental audit, examine investment policies in light of environmental values, and promote the LOAF principles: locally produced, organically grown, animal friendly, and fairly traded. "For Christians there must be a recognition that the project of growth without limit has to be curtailed," states the report. "The injustices spawned by massive growth already exist. Two-thirds of the world does not have enough to eat while the other third is trying to lose weight."
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