More than 70 Christian bankruptcy attorneys issued an open letter to religious leaders, urging them to take action against Senate Bill 256. The bill would overhaul U.S. bankruptcy law - ostensibly to address fraud and corruption but in reality making it difficult for poor and middle-class people to get out of debt.
"In the view of the creditors who have drafted and lobbied for the current Senate bill, it is the repayment of debt that is the most paramount duty of humans," the lawyers wrote. "Based on our religious beliefs, we all firmly adhere to the proposition that the family is far more important than debt."
"Many of the married couples who come to see me with financial problems have been sent by Christian counselors who see the damage being caused to their relationship by financial stress," attorney Bradford W. Botes told Sojourners. "I am absolutely confident that I have saved marriages that would have otherwise come apart but for the financial relief that bankruptcy has offered. Most financial problems are caused by a medical problem or job loss."
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