Employment Opportunities
Hudson Valley, N.Y. organization seeks youth empowerment coordinator for state-wide program. Bilingual English/Spanish. Salary is $29K plus benefits. Reply Richard Witt, RMM, Box 4757, POK, NY 12602.
The Oakland Catholic Worker, a hospitality house for Latin American immigrants and refugees, seeks full- and part-time staff members for direct services, resource development, community organizing, and public education. Spanish preferred, not required. Workers receive room, board, and modest stipend. Contact OCW, 4848 E. 14th St, Oakland, CA 94601; (510) 533-7375; ocw@prodigy.net.
Equity Trust, a small, growing organization with a national program of land reform and community development finance, seeks executive director. Work with land trusts, housing developers, farmers, and religious institutions. Also: openings for office manager and additional program officer. Compensation according to need: room/ board available. Contact Equity Trust, 539 Beach Pond Road, Voluntown, CT 06384; (860) 376-6174; equitytrust@aol.com.
Individuals or couples wanted to provide loving care to children up to 6 years old in a family home setting. Residential children's crisis agency serves abused, neglected, and HIV-infected children in Houston, Texas. Training, housing, medical insurance, and salary provided. Contact Susan at Casa de Esperanza de los Niños, (713) 529-0639; susan@casahope.org.
Rhode Island State Council of Churches seeks an executive minister. Theologically trained with commitment to mission, ecumenical focus, and advocacy skills. Deadline is August 1. Contact RISCC Search Committee, 734 Hope St., Providence, RI 02906-3500; (401) 861-1700.
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