The church is the largest grassroots organization in the country. If people of faith are to contribute significantly to environmental sustainability, then care for creation needs to be brought to the center of congregational life and mission. For Christians, the deep and enduring passion for creation comes from two sources: our original calling as human beings "to serve and to preserve" the Earth, and our redemption in Christ as "new creations."
Christian commitment to environmental restoration is inseparable from the quest for human justice. Only a holistic vision of "ecological justice" will adequately inform the identity and mission of our churches. Here are some ideas for greening your congregation.
Worship. Make creation care an integral part of services—liturgies, hymns, confessions, prayers, sermons, blessings, green worship space. Adopt a four-week "Season of Creation" in the church year ( Celebrate Earth Sunday ( Have a Blessing of the Animals. As worship restores an intimate connection with God and other humans, so worship should restore an intimate connection with the Earth. We will save that which we deeply love.
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