50 Years of Good News (on the Radio)
In the current climate of media conglomeration, independent voices like Pacifica Radio are more vital than ever as alternative sources of news and programming. Despite recent internal conflicts at its flagship station, KPFA Berkeley, broadcasts such as Pacifica Network News and the daily analysis of Democracy Now! continue Pacifica’s 50-year history of covering issues and stories that you can’t find anywhere else. From airing protests of the Korean War during the McCarthy era to broadcasting Mumia Abu Jamal’s commentaries from prison (which NPR had originally commissioned and then cancelled because of political pressure), Pacifica has remained noncommercial and listener-supported. For those living out of range of Pacifica affiliates, broadcasts are available on the Web, along with archives of past programs. Call (818) 506-1077 to find the affiliate nearest you or visit www.pacifica.org.
Conflict Resolution for Dummies
With chapter headings like "What if the Other Person is a Complete Idiot?" Let’s Talk: Communication Skills and Conflict Transformation is a very practical, down-to-earth study guide by Barry C. Bartel designed for adult and youth Sunday school classes—or any group in need of conflict resolution skills (you know who you are). This new edition of the 1983 title combines Bible-based concepts with individual and group exercises to create better habits of communication and ways of responding to interpersonal conflict. Available for $8.95 from Faith and Life Press, P.O. Box 347, Newton, KS 67114-0347; 1-800-743-2484; www2.southwind.net/~gcmc/flp.
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