Ordinary Heroes
The 10-part podcast City of Refuge tells the little-known story of a French village that resisted the Nazis during World War II and saved 5,000 refugees. A model for collective strength, City of Refuge shows what happens when ordinary people act in extraordinary ways. Waging Nonviolence.
Black Brits
Girl, Woman, Other , the Booker Prize winner by Bernardine Evaristo, explores the U.K.’s deep roots of racism and how 12 black people in Britain—11 women and a gender nonbinary person—navigate their multifaceted identities. Black Cat.
Gospel of Justice
An extensive group of essays from many voices comprise the collection Evangelical Theologies of Liberation and Justice. Editors Mae Elise Cannon and Andrea Smith provides readers a theological foundation for faith and activism, building on the framework of evangelicalism and liberation theology. IVP.

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