Idealism That Never Fades | Sojourners

Idealism That Never Fades

A review of "Soul Space: Creating Places and Lives that Make a Difference," by Linda Lawrence Hunt
The 2018 colleague cohort of the Krista Foundation for Global Citizenship / Krista Foundation photograph

IT HAPPENS TO just about all of us who, in our early adulthood, commit ourselves to a life of globally conscious idealism. We run off to join a cause, maybe commit to a volunteer project for a year or two, come home, and find ourselves overwhelmed by how to create lasting change in a broken world.

Christian writers Jim and Linda Hunt struggled with this question in 1998, not so much as young people but as middle-age adults, after their daughter Krista perished in an accident in Bolivia. Krista and her husband Aaron were three years into their marriage and six months into a three-year service project teaching literacy and microenterprise with the Mennonite Central Committee, when the bus they were in plunged off a ravine.

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