Our publisher, Joe Roos, picked up Joyce Hollyday and me at the airport on our return from South Africa. We had just traveled non-stop for 30 hours after an intense visit there of almost six weeks. We were exhausted.
One of the first questions I asked Joe was about our spring financial appeal. We knew Sojourners was at a critical crossroads and that we needed our readers' help to reach out to more people.
When Joe told me what the response had been, a big smile spread across my tired face. I just knew our readers would come through! We have always depended on you, and I instinctively felt we could trust you now, when our future was really at stake. I believed that if we just laid out our situation and offered a solid and exciting plan for the future, we could again count on your support.
Your contributions exceeded our hopes and put us well on our way to raising the money needed for a substantial outreach effort beginning in 1989. So many of you gave generously and sacrificially. One elderly couple apologized that they could only afford $10 because they had both recently gone through serious surgery. "We wish it could be more," they regretted. To all who helped, we can't thank you enough.
Each one of you who contributed should have gotten by now a personal letter of thanks from Joe or me. Your support means more than we can say. Our goals are in sight now, and, with God's help, we believe we will reach them.
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