As some of you have no doubt already heard, the Post American and our entire community will be moving, in early September, from Chicago to Washington, D.C. When we begin our journey eastward next month, it will have been five years that we have lived and worked in and around Chicago. They have been very full years in which each of our lives has been shaped in decisive ways. These next years of our life together in Washington hold the promise of new beginnings, new growth and development, new visions and ministries, new directions.
Five years ago, many of us met for the first time as students at Trinity Evangelical Divinity School, a seminary just north of Chicago. The life in community that we now share together began at that point. What started as a fellowship of a handful of single, male seminarians has grown into the embryonic community that will be learning to share a common life together in Washington and is a group of 12 married adults, five single adults, four children, and others who are exploring their relationship to the community. The Post American, first published in late 1971, began as a quarterly tabloid and has developed into a monthly magazine with a broadly ecumenical, national, and international readership.
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