Thank you for the wonderful issue on “The Green Economy” (May 2009). Reading about Majora Carter’s work was so energizing (“Making Places and People Bloom,” by Jeannie Choi), as well as the article “Resurrection,” by Bill Wylie-Kellermann. What he is describing is what I have been fantasizing for Detroit: organic gardens, green building, and sustainable living.
I suggest hiring “volunteer workers” with ankle monitors—those people from our financial institutions who have been creating the “new economy” we are experiencing, and perhaps some of those who think torture is the “American way.” I suggest they stay in substandard housing with heat and hot water now and then, sharing a bath and doing their own cooking, laundry, and cleaning. Classes in biblical economics would be required, with neighborhood folks sharing their stories. Think of the money we would save on prison costs—and the added bonus of “job training” for their new careers.
Betty Neville Michelozzi, Aptos, California
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