There we were, enjoying smorgasbord delicacies at the 88th annual meeting of the Inter Seminary Faculties Union at Swedish North Park Theological Seminary. This serves as the only festive occasion of the year at which we can exchange pleasantries with some of our colleagues of the faculties and staffs of some 16 theological institutions in the Chicago area. The distinguished speaker for the occasion was suave, bow-tied Albert Jenner, Esquire, crack Chicago trial counsel, who recently had gained notoriety as one of the main actors in the world-shaking drama in high places. Beginning as the Republican counsel for the House Judiciary Committee, he had bared his integrity in endorsing the devastating summary of special counsel, John Doar, making it necessary for the demoralized minority to replace Jenner.
Through it all Jenner emerged as one with a new concern for morality. He was eager to share with those whom he regards to represent the bulwark and hopes of preservation of the moral values of our society. Our ovations were not only indicative of the usual deference theologians extend to other professions, but also of the honor we wished to bestow on a fellow citizen who had helped restore our faith in the system. We felt good as he traced historically the American dream for the preservations of liberties. We became insiders to the damning evidence about wickedness in high places.
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