SojoAction: Nonviolence and Peace
Blessed are those who make peace. Since Sojourners began in 1971, we have emphasized nonviolence, peace, and restorative justice to build up the reign of God. From early protest against the Vietnam War and anti-torture campaigns to addressing today’s issues of drone warfare, mass shootings, non-state armed conflicts, and nuclear weapons, our commitment to peacemaking and in-depth exploration into nonviolent responses to violence remains firm.
We are working toward a world like the prophet Isaiah envisioned — where swords are turned into plowshares and nations study war no more.
Make your convictions clear to a dangerous administration that War Is Not the Answer to Iran.
Letters to the American church from Christians around the world.
Letters to the American church from Christians around the world.
A review of 'The Politics of Peace: A Global Cold War History,' by Petra Goedde.
A review of The Politics of Peace: A Global Cold War History, by Petra Goedde.
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