Global Poverty and Human Rights

SojoAction: Global Poverty and Human Rights

Our commitment to advancing human rights and fighting global poverty is rooted in our understanding of and commitment to imago dei, that everyone is made in the very likeness and image of God. Sojourners has long championed human rights and supported the fight against extreme poverty around the world — from our efforts to reverse repressive U.S. policy toward Central America to our leadership in the anti-apartheid struggle, Jubilee debt cancellation movement, and efforts to advance the Millennium Development Goals. Building on these and other campaigns, we are committed to revitalizing and strengthening U.S. support for global human rights and will work to build the social and political will necessary to achieve the Sustainable Development Goals.   

Global Poverty and Human Rights

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Dear Brothers and Sisters... Letters to the American church from Christians around the world.
A southern-African philosophy points the way to a thriving society.
Global Poverty and Human Rights
Latest Stories
  • An old black-and-white photo of students and teachers sitting and standing on the steps of the Thomas Indian School building in the 1890s.
    The Seneca Nation works to heal the wounds inflicted by a Presbyterian-run residential school.

    The Seneca Nation works to heal the wounds inflicted by a Presbyterian-run residential school.

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  • An illustration of Africa filled in with a rainbow gradient cast against a gray backdrop.
    Original colonial annals reflect exceptions to heterosexuality as far back as the 1500s.

    Original colonial annals reflect exceptions to heterosexuality as far back as the 1500s.

    by SimonMary Asese Aihiokhai
  • A picture of a well-dressed heterosexual couple as tiny figurines, standing in front of a large quarter. Smaller figurines of a white man carrying a dollar bill, and a black man carting around a dollar bill, are in the lower left and right corners.
    Author and sociologist Matthew Desmond on how we can build out permanent solutions to poverty.

    Author and sociologist Matthew Desmond on how we can build out permanent solutions to poverty.

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