Wesley Walker is a seminarian at Liberty University and an active member in the Anglican Church in North America.
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Here's Why Liberty University Students Are Denouncing Trump

Image via Darron Birgenheier/Flickr
This petition clarifies that students want to have their own distinct voice to speak for themselves. Liberty is a place where this dialogue is possible, and even encouraged.
Glenn Beck and the Idol of Nationalism

Image via Sean Locke Photography/Shutterstock.com
Christ is the ultimate revelation of God. He is the logos. He is Wisdom. He is “very God of very God.” He took on flesh so he could show us how to live and went to the cross to rescue us from sin, death, and Satan. Following Christ’s example leads to a self-sacrificial ethic that reflects the Golden Rule.
Why I’m a Politically Correct Christian (And You Should Be Too)

Image via nogoudfwete/Shutterstock.com
If political correctness is understood as a conscious attempt to avoid discriminatory actions or statements against marginalized people, it is a natural outflow of the Christian life. Christians seek to follow Christ’s self-sacrificial nature in all they say and do. 1 Peter 2:21 tells us, “For to this you have been called, because Christ also suffered for you, leaving you an example, so that you should follow in his steps.”
What I Learned When Donald Trump Spoke at My Christian College

Donald Trump at the Republican debate Dec. 14. in Las Vegas, Nev. Joseph Sohm / Shutterstock.com
“The ultimate tragedy is not the oppression and cruelty by the bad people but the silence over that by the good people.”-Martin Luther King Jr.
This week at Liberty University, Donald Trump was given a platform to address evangelicals. Much has been written on why Donald Trump is patently unqualified to be speaking on a day where we celebrate the lasting impact of Martin Luther King Jr.’s fight against oppression. His racist and xenophobic policy proposals include mass deportations, barring Muslims from travelling to the United States, and creating a registry to monitor Muslims in America. Lending legitimacy to him is entirely contradictory to the life and mission of Martin Luther King Jr.
I'm a Seminary Student at Liberty University. Here's Why Falwell's Comments Concern Me.

Image via Cheryl Casey/Shutterstock.com
I love my school, and Liberty is not a monolithic place — there are a diversity of worldviews and backgrounds here, and not every student is happy about Falwell’s sentiments. I have met many students and faculty who have helped me develop as a Christian, an academic, and a person. And I applaud the school’s response to the families of the victims of the shooting in San Bernardino, Calif. Hopefully by reaching out to them, Falwell can still bring some sense of healing to the situation.
But I feel I need to speak out on this issue. I believe opportunistic pro-gun rhetoric is deeply devastating to the Christian message.