Hello friends!
I was born in San Diego, lived in Japan for 6 years, and returned back to San Diego county when I was 9 years old. The past 4 years I have studied biology at Point Loma Nazarene University. During my time there, I was very active in the life of that community and sought to engage in ways that let me learn more about story, reconciliation and how to actively respond to the Christian call. More recently I have spent a lot of time dreaming, questioning and seeking advice regarding what these next steps of my life will be. For now, I know that I want to work with women and children in some sort of public health capacity.
Other facts about me: I am a lover of marveling at the world and expanding my paradigm in any way possible. I am built for deep relationships and believe in the sacredness of the shared meal. I am sarcastic—yet empathetic and I really enjoy spaces where I can think and create with others. Sunsets make me tear up ad chubby babies make my day. Also, some of my closest friends say that when I laugh, I look like a muppet.
Posts By This Author
Jesus Knows Sign Language
During my last year of college, my pastor lent me the book Living Gently in a Violent World, co-authored by Jean Vanier and Stanley Hauerwas. This book is an exploration on how followers of Christ ought to live in broken world.
The introduction of the book recounts the story of Jean Vanier teaching a course on pastoral care. During one class, Vanier asked the students to share some of their spiritual experiences. One of the students, Angela (who was deaf) began to share a dream she had where she met Jesus in heaven. She recalled talking with Jesus for some time and never experiencing so much joy and peace. "Jesus was everything I had hoped he would be," she said, "And his signing was amazing!" Vanier explains to the reader that "for Angela, heaven's perfection did not involve being 'healed' of her deafness. Rather, it was a place where the social, relational, and communication barriers that restricted her life in the present no longer existed."