Dr. Sylvia C. Keesmaat is Adjunct Professor of Biblical Studies at Wycliffe College, Toronto School of Theology and author of Colossians Remixed: Subverting the Empire and the forthcoming book Romans Disarmed: Resisting Empire, Demanding Justice, both co-authored with her husband Brian Walsh. Sylvia lives on an off-grid permaculture farm with a fluctuating number of people and animals.
Posts By This Author
Separating Children and Parents Is Not About Safety. It's About Hate
What is the fear that drives the leaders of the United States to tear children from their parents and put them in places of horror and despair? For both Pharaoh and Herod, the destruction of children had nothing to do with “safety” and everything to do with insecurity, a pathological hatred of the other, and a fanatical desire to hold on to power at all costs. It is hard to see any other motives for rulers who target children today.