Sharon Bernstein writes for Reuters.
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Shooter Among Two Dead in Texas Church Attack

Photo via Google Maps Street View
A gunman who opened fire in a Texas church, killing one person and leaving another in critical condition, died after parishioners at the Sunday morning service shot him in response, authorities said.
California Governor to Put Moratorium on Death Penalty
California Gov. Gavin Newsom will impose a moratorium on the state's death penalty on Wednesday, granting reprieves to all 737 inmates on death row and closing the state's execution chamber, an administration source said.
Autopsy Refutes Police Account in Stephon Clark Shooting
An autopsy on an unarmed black man killed by police officers in California's capital last week shows that none of the eight bullets hit him in the front, contradicting the official version of events, a lawyer for the Stephon Clark's family said on Friday.
Charlottesville Mayor Targeted by Anti-Semitic Tweets After Criticizing White Nationalist Marchers
Signer issued a statement on May 13, criticizing the torch-carrying marchers as either “profoundly ignorant” or aiming to instill fear.
“I smell Jew,” posted an anonymous Twitter user with the handle “Great Patriot Trump.” “If so, you are going back to Israel. But you will not stay in power here. Not for long.”