Posts By This Author

Jesus Says "Me Too"

by Rev. Starlette Thomas 08-30-2018

Jesus enters the world through the womb of a woman so that we can go free. He does not make a grand entrance but waits to be born, tarries with Mary, tied to her umbilical cord, connected to her suffering. When she cried out in pain, he said, “Me too.”

A Few Good Women

by Rev. Starlette Thomas 08-16-2018

Who is this Jesus who blames her body, who suggests that she is not a good fit for his ministry because of the way that God created her? Who is this Jesus who fills us with the Spirit and then restricts us based on our flesh? Who is this Jesus who wouldn’t be caught dead or alive with a woman next to him?

He is the Jesus of our patriarchal imaginations, of our machismo, of our male ego. Because both the message of his arrival and his departure are given to women. Her mouth, her body was good enough for Jesus; why, then, is it not good enough for us?