Posts By This Author
Freedom is Life
If we are surrounded by a culture, let alone raised in one, which suggests we are made in the image of God but all the images and words and people representing that God are male, what does that tell a young girl about her own worth and value in that system?
Shedding the Culture of Violence
Given these statistics, it is very likely that a good number of women and men in this room have been the victims of some form of domestic violence or sexual assault. I recognize this may be a difficult sermon for you, triggering painful memories. Please take care of yourself, be kind to yourself today. If you need to leave, please do. I will not be offended. And please know that this community is here to be of support to you, I am here to be of support to you. If you need someone to talk to, please reach out. And if you are currently in an abusive relationship or the victim of sexual assault, there are many resources available to you.