Peniel Ibe, an immigrant from Nigeria, works as a policy associate at the American Friends Service Committee in Washington, D.C.

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Donald Trump is Stripping Americans of Their Citizenship

by Peniel Ibe 07-01-2019
Denaturalization is the latest strategy among anti-immigrant administrators.

Illustration by Matt Chase

SINCE MY ARRIVAL in the U.S., I have looked forward to the day that I could enjoy the security of American citizenship. But as a green card holder of African origin, I now watch the Trump administration ramp up efforts to strip hundreds of naturalized Americans of their citizenship. With the establishment of a “denaturalization” task force, the supposed permanence of citizenship has become insecure.

In 2019, the Trump administration requested $207.6 million to review 700,000 immigrant files and develop elaborate efforts to punish people for past mistakes by denaturalizing them. As many keep their eyes on Trump’s pet project, the southern “border wall,” the administration continues to use taxpayers’ funds to construct harmful, longer-lasting obstacles to citizenship.