Paul Lutter serves as senior pastor of First Lutheran Church in Litchfield, Minn., a congregation of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America. He has taught as an adjunct instructor in the Religion Departments at Augsburg College and Gustavus Adolphus College, both in Minnesota. He's also been an adjunct instructor in the Theology Department at Mt. Mary College in Wauwatosa, Wis., and as an adjunct instructor in homiletics at Luther Seminary in St. Paul, Minn.
Posts By This Author
On Scripture: The Power of Love
We know neither her name nor the location from which she comes. All we know is that she was “a woman with a spirit that had crippled her for eighteen years,” and that, “[s]he was bent over and was quite unable to stand up straight.” (Lk. 13:11) We don’t know from the text exactly what causes this spirit to lash out at this woman. We do know, though, the power of this spirit is to slowly and deliberately destroy this woman’s life. Whether this spirit manifesting its wicked power in this way is a result of the woman’s sinfulness or was it simply the way she was born we do not know. So weighted down by its power is she that she can’t “stand up straight.”
All we know is that bent over, exhausted, worn, and arid from the despair that comes from the power of this spirit, pushed to the margins of society, and dead inside, this woman comes in from the heat of the day to seek shelter in the synagogue.
They are nameless when they arrive at Magdalene. Seeking shelter – relief – from the power of the spirit whose work it had been to destroy them through drugs and prostitution, they come completely exhausted and desperate. Like the woman in the text, these women of Magdalene live on the edge between death and life. Living in the shadows, under the oppressive weight of the spirit whose power it had been to press the life right out of them, these women, like the woman in this text from Luke, “can’t stand up straight.”