The Rev. Kaji Douša is Senior Minister at Park Avenue Christian Church in New York City.
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Finding Good Amongst the No Good
Love cannot be purchased with your pain. We do not need to hurt in order to experience love, for God is love and God intends nothing but your flourishing.
Be A Servant
When asked why she did it all, [Rosa Parks] famously said: “My cup of endurance runneth over.” Me too, Rosa Parks. Me too.
My cup ran over the day my eyes were opened to the many layers between me and the justice my own body has never received.
My cup ran over on the days I chanted with my city, my country: “I can’t breathe.”
My cup ran over when I read defenses of Harvey Weinstein and the many assaulters whose stories have been famously surfacing these days.
Sermon: Be a Servant
Maybe you, like me, have thought that a cup that runneth over is filled with dollars and wealth. But God does not, will not, has never anointed with money. God anoints with something completely different: power. Oh no, not the power to destroy. But the power to love into repair, into wholeness, into righteousness.