Molly Marsh is managing editor at Partners In Health, an organization that works to provide health care to poor populations around the world.

Posts By This Author

Fines for Humanitarian Aid

by Andrew Schleicher, by Molly Marsh 03-01-1999

Voices in the Wilderness, an organization that seeks to end sanctions against Iraq, was notified by the federal government in early December that a penalty may be imposed against them and several

Pickles and Football?

by Andrew Schleicher, by Molly Marsh 03-01-1999

Ohio State University head football coach John Cooper put himself in a pickle when he agreed to endorse a company that the Farm Labor Organizing Committee AFL-CIO (FLOC) says engages in unfair la

Church Unites to Shun Hate

by Andrew Schleicher, by Molly Marsh 03-01-1999

Twice in two months, a delegation from Westboro Baptist Church in Topeka, Kansas, led by Rev. Fred Phelps, picketed Broadway United Methodist Church in Chicago with signs declaring "Fags die. God laughs."

Landmine Treaty Takes Effect--Without U.S.

by Andrew Schleicher, by Molly Marsh 03-01-1999

The 1997 Mine Ban Treaty will go into effect faster than any other major treaty, according to Jody Williams, ambassador of the International Campaign to Ban Landmines. 

Briefly Noted

by Andrew Schleicher, by Molly Marsh 03-01-1999

Ethnic Albanian leader Ibrahim Rugova was awarded the Sakharov prize for freedom of thought by the European Parliament in Strasbourg, France, last December.

Sexual Promiscuity in Africa Called "Violence"

by Andrew Schleicher, by Molly Marsh 03-01-1999

AIDS in Africa has reached epidemic proportions, and an American clergyman told a gathering in Zimbabwe this winter that he knows one of the main reasons why: male sexual permissiveness.

Christian Reformed Church Called to Repent

by Andrew Schleicher, by Molly Marsh 03-01-1999

The Committee to Give Direction about and for Pastoral Care for Homosexual Members encouraged Christian Reformed churches to repent for failing to minister to gay and lesbian members.

It's Easy Being Green

by Andrew Schleicher, by Molly Marsh 03-01-1999

Environmentally responsible business practices don't always lead to a decrease in profits.